Welcome to The Military and Hospitaller Order of Saint Lazarus of Jerusalem's Acadia Commandery in the Grand Priory in Canada
The Acadia Commandery, Order of Saint Lazarus Canada, is a chivalric organization in Canada that is dedicated to upholding the principles of charity, chivalry, and Christian faith. Founded in 1974, the Order is a part of an ancient Christian military order that dates back to the 12th century. The Acadia Commandery is based in the Maritime which includes Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island, and has members from all walks of life who share a commitment to serving their community and promoting the values of the Order.
The Order of Saint Lazarus has a rich history of caring for the sick and the needy, and the Acadia Commandery continues this tradition by supporting a range of charitable causes. Members of the Order participate in a variety of activities, including fundraising, volunteering at hospitals and nursing homes, and providing support to veterans and their families.
In addition to its charitable work, the Acadia Commandery also maintains a strong focus on the principles of chivalry and honour. Members are expected to demonstrate a commitment to these values through their conduct and interactions with others, and to uphold the traditions of the Order in all aspects of their lives. As a result, the Acadia Commandery is known for its dedication to both charity and honour, and for its commitment to making a positive impact in the world. If you have questions, please do reach out to us by contacting us via email with:
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The Acadia Commandery sends out once/twice annually, an e-newsletter entitled 'The Tancred Tower' which contains a snapshot of what is going on within the Acadia Commandery to all Members and Friends of the Order attached to the Acadia Commandery. The e-newsletter includes announcements of future events, social activities and internal initiatives and projects. In addition to this e-newsletter, the Grand Priory in Canada also publishes a semi-annual publication 'The Gazette' distributed to members only.
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