Member of the Order

The Order of Saint Lazarus, a Christian Order of Chivalry, welcomes men and women who are practicing and devoted Christians, exhibit good character, and hold a respected position or standing in their community. Membership is open to those who share the Order's mission of assisting those in need through charitable deeds at the national level or through the local Acadia Commandery. As a military Order, the Order of Saint Lazarus follows the traditional European chivalric customs and maintains a rank structure. Members may be awarded with prestigious decorations and medals in recognition of their exceptional service or achievements, whether within the Order or in external communities, regions, or countries.

A Member of the Order is someone whose membership application has been thoroughly reviewed and approved by the Order of Saint Lazarus, Canada. Subsequently, they are formally invested into the Order within a maximum period of three (3) years from the date of acceptance, usually during a Chapter General event. Upon submitting an application and being accepted, an individual begins their journey in the Order as a Postulant. Once a Postulant has undergone the Investiture Ceremony and has been formally invested into the Order, they become a full-fledged Member, holding the rank recommended during the application process.

As a Member of the Order, you will have numerous opportunities to connect with like-minded individuals who share your passion and interests. You can engage in advocating, developing, and supporting palliative and hospice care initiatives in your community. You may also have the chance to explore and preserve the rich history of the Order, and even serve on or lead steering committees dedicated to specialized initiatives. By collaborating with other Friends and Members of the Order, you can increase the likelihood of successfully implementing viable and sustainable palliative and hospice care programs in your local area. This aligns with the original mission of the Order of Saint Lazarus, an esteemed international chivalric Order that has remained steadfast in its primary purpose of aiding those in need for over 900 years. As a Member, you can actively contribute to advancing this noble cause and making a meaningful impact in your community.

As a Member of the Order, you will have the opportunity to expand your network and connect with other Friends and Members of the Order across Canada. This includes professionals, care workers, doctors, nurses, political representatives, business people, military personnel, and civilians who attend events organized by the Grand Priory in Canada or the Acadia Commandery. These events may include social gatherings, special presentations, lectures, and meetings, providing you with a platform to network and collaborate with like-minded individuals. Your contributions and engagement with the Order will also play a vital role in furthering the Order's mission to establish, advocate for, and support palliative and hospice care programs throughout Canada, with a particular focus on the Maritime region. Moreover, if you have a keen interest in military history, there will be ample opportunities for you to delve into the rich history of the Order and bring it to life through period-authentic presentations featuring 13th century Saint Lazarus knights at various events. This allows you to combine your passion for history with meaningful contributions to the Order's endeavors.

As a Member of the Order, you can enjoy a range of benefits that include:

By becoming a Member of the Order, you can not only make a difference in the lives of others, but also benefit from personal and professional growth opportunities, networking and social connections, access to valuable resources and support, and recognition for your contributions.

Membership in the Order is typically by invitation, but prospective members who are interested in joining can apply through the Acadia Commandery. To start the process, you can initiate a conversation with the Commander of the Commandery by sending an email to , expressing your interest and desire to become a member.

  1. In the 12th century, Saint Lazarus was an Order of military monks and nursing sisters. Whenever the monks assembled, the meeting started with a chapter of the Bible being read. This assembly or meeting eventually was referred to as 'a chapter'. Later, the individuals who organized the meeting were called the 'Chapter'. The meeting place was called the 'Chapter House' and a meeting for everyone was a 'Chapter General'. Today, true to that early tradition, the Order's meetings begin with the Prayer of the Order.