Good Works of the Acadia Commandery

The Order fulfills both a Military Order of Mercy and a Hospitaller Order. As a Hospitaller Order and modern charity, it is dedicated to caring for and assisting the poor and sick, as well as advocating for and advancing palliative and hospice care through a range of activities such as advocacy, assistance, education, publications, and facilitating the development and evolution of hospice and palliative care in Canada.
While preserving its historical mission, the Order maintains its ecumenical mission as a Military Order of Mercy in the modern world. The Acadia Commandery, as an active member of the Order, strives to facilitate its original missions in the 21st century by expanding its Hospitaller mission to include support, promotion, and advocacy for hospice and palliative care.

Since 1974, the Acadia Commandery has provided aid and assistance to those in need throughout the Maritime region, particularly those requiring hospice or palliative care. Through these efforts, the Order has helped numerous people and health organizations and continues to focus on hospice and palliative care in service to humanity.

Hurling for Hospice (July & August 2023, Digby, NS)

The Acadia Commandery of the Order of Saint Lazarus organized a captivating fundraising event, "Hurling for Hospice," during the renowned Digby Lobster Bash from July 7 to 9, and the Scallop Days Festival on August 12 (rained out on the 13th) 2023. This event took place at the south end of the Admiral's Walk area in Digby and aimed to support the Fundy Hospice initiative organized by the Atalanta Hospice Society. One of the main attractions of the event was the opportunity for individuals to participate in the trebuchet launch experience. For a nominal fee of $5 each, participants formed teams of five people and had the unique chance to launch a projectile using a reproduction of a 13th-century traction trebuchet. Adding to the medieval ambiance, the Commander of Acadia Commandery, Chev. David M. Cvet, KCLJ(J), and Friend of the Order, Joe Van Heerden, dressed as 13th-century Saint Lazarus knights, overseeing the thrilling launches throughout the three-day event during the Lobster Bash, and the single-day event during the Scallop Days Festival. The community responded enthusiastically to this engaging and charitable activity, resulting in a remarkable achievement. The event successfully raised $1,453 during Lobster Bash and $500 during the Scallop Days Festival, thanks to the generous contributions from participants. This outstanding fundraising outcome was further bolstered by the submission of a matching grant request by David, the Commander of Acadia Commandery. The funds raised will be donated to the Atalanta Hospice Society later September, enabling them to continue their vital work in establishing a residential style hospice in Cornwallis Park.
The "Hurling for Hospice" event showcased the commitment and dedication of the Acadia Commandery in supporting important charitable causes. By combining historical elements with a fun and interactive experience, the event not only raised significant funds but also created awareness and engagement within the local community. The Order of Saint Lazarus, through initiatives like this, continues to make a positive impact, embodying the history of the Order, the spirit of service and philanthropy that defines the Order's mission.
Accompanying image: Photo of Commander Chev. David M. Cvet, KLJ(J) and Friend of the Order, Joe Van Heerden in 13th century accoutrements.
Hurricane Fiona Relief Efforts, Red Cross Canada (October 2022)

In September 2022, parts of Atlantic Canada and Eastern Quebec were hit with a devastating hurricane that destroyed homes and caused power outages across five provinces in Canada. Thousands have been left without power and hundreds of people have been displaced from their homes. Citizens affected by Hurricane Fiona are facing a long road to recovery, many still without power two weeks after Fiora, but we were able to help those who have been impacted by the storm. The Canadian Federal Government had launched a government-match program in partnership with the Canadian Red Cross. More than 285,000 individuals across Atlantic Canada were without power and over 200 people were displaced from their homes. The Acadia Commandery invoked the matching grant request to the Grand Priory in Canada to the tune of $2,500. This amount matched by the Grand Priory in Canada forwarded $5,000 to the Fiona Relief Effort, and this amount will be matched by the Federal Government of Canada resulting in a $10,000 donation.
Accompanying image: Photograph sourced from the Canadian Red Cross Fiona Relief Efforts.
Red Cross Humanitarian Appeal for Ukraine (March 2022, NB, NS)

A "call to arms" was made to the members and Friends of the Acadia Commandery on Friday, March 11, 2022 for contributions towards the Red Cross Humanitarian Appeal for the Ukraine/Russia conflict. The current situation is poised to becoming Europe's greatest refugee crisis this century. The Canadian Red Cross had initiated a humanitarian crisis appeal and through the generousity of Friends and Members of the Acadia Commandery, by the end of Sunday, March 13, we were able to raise $1,000. This was matched by funds from Acadia Commandery allowing the Commandery to contribute $2,000 to the Red Cross Humanitarian Appeal. The Commander wishes to extend a collective thank you to those who contributed to this worthy cause.
Accompanying image: Photograph sourced from the Canadian Red Cross Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal.
Quest for Fundy Hospice (September 2021, NS)

The highlight of 2021 was the 250km awareness and fundraising campaign which was the kickoff for the Quest for Fundy Hospice. The Grand Priory in Canada showed their support with a generous donation, and members and Friends of the Order came together through volunteering to make this event a great success. With the help of the volunteers, and the 12th century knight on horseback, the knight ride was able to raise nearly $25,000! The medieval knight "on loan" from the Coistrel of the Acadia Commandery, Order of Saint Lazarus rode his horse for 5 days at 50km per day. The kickoff of the ride was graced with the presence of a number of dignitaries including the Warden, Digby County, Counsellor, Annapolis County, the Mayor of Digby, the CEO of the Annapolis Basin Conference Centre, a local MP and a representative representing the newly minted Conservative MLA.
Accompanying image: Chev. David M. Cvet KLJ(J), Commander of Acadia Commandery rides his steed "Nya" 250 km raising nearly $20,000 in funds for the Atalanta Hospice Project.
Bringing family/friends in virtually (July 2020, NS)

The Acadia Commandery underwrote the costs associated with an internal project to develop and assemble a pair of “proof-of-concept” units comprised of iPads, goose-necked floor stands, wiring and accesses designed to allow patients easy and convenient access to a virtual portal to allow family and friends to visit during the pandemic. These units were installed at Tideview Terrace in Digby, NS (a home for special care) in July 2020. The objective for these units is to allow the staff to setup the Zoom/Skype/Facetime session with the patient’s family/friends and position the tablet close to the patient without the need for the patient to operate the devices. These also frees up the staff to focus on their tasks of the day by not having to be physically with the patient holding the device for their access. The units provides the convenience to the staff to simply turn on the device, activate the app and position the unit appropriately with the patient, even if bed-ridden. By all reports, the staff claimed that the devices were easy to use, easy to move about from one room to another, and that the patients clearly enjoyed the interface with their loved ones.
Accompanying image: One of the residents of Tideview Terrace, Digby, NS reacting with joy at connecting with relations virtually via one of two iPad configurations donated by the Commandery.
Emeg tan tleaooltieg (We are home where we belong) (March 2020, NB)

This is the mantra of the Elsipogtog First Nation Elders with respect to the elderly requiring health care services in New Brunswick. Dr. Jennifer Dobbelsteyn OLJ, Principal Researcher and her consulting group was awarded $1.2 million grant from the Public Health Agency of Canada in late 2019 to conduct a community-driven study to determine and identify the needs and requirements needed to enable First Nation Elders to live independently at home as they age. According to Statistics Canada, the number of Aboriginal seniors is growing more rapidly than the non-Aboriginal senior population in Canada. The study will have three components: conduct the research study, implement and evaluate new programs, design and test a home support services assessment tool for First Nation and Inuit Communities. The Order of Saint Lazarus also supported this project with their contribution of funding towards this project.
Accompanying image: The banner representing the Elsipogtog First Nation in New Brunswick.
Saint Lazarus Knights visit a home for special care (September 2019, NS)

The Saint Lazarus Knights captured the hearts of both the patients and staff with the thrill of their visit at the Tideview Terrace in Digby, NS (a home for special care). Working with the staff, each Saint Lazarus Knight took a wing in the facility and visited each and every patient in their rooms. The visit invoked great interest and provided great opportunities for photo opps with the patients. Working with the facility’s Recreation Therapist, worked out the timing of the visit, and each knight was accompanied with a staff member throughout the walk and visit. The patients enjoyed the attention they each received by such a knight dressed in 12th century accoutrements. Further discussion is planned on visiting the same facility but on horseback, in which the horse/horses would also be decked out in 12th century accoutrements.
Accompanying image: Chev. David M. Cvet KLJ(J), Commander of Acadia Commandery and Mr. Joe Van Heerden, Friend of the Order decked out in 12th Saint Lazarus knights' accoutrements of the Acadia Commandery Coistrel, visit the residents at Tideview Terrace, Digby.