Members' Only Login

Welcome to the members' login page. As a member of the Order of Saint Lazarus, Grand Priory in Canada, in particular, the Acadia Commandery, you have the privilege to access resources available to members only. Please enter your assigned Username and Password into the form below, and once validated by our secure login system, you will be granted access to a private collection of the Acadia Commandery's resources.

Note: Please be advised that the Members' Area is constantly and continually being updated and upgraded along with new content and material when available for your interests and perusal. The purposes of the Members' Area is to: a) provide Acadia Commandery members online resources of the important documents, articles, history, photos and videos collected over time; b) to preserve the history and contributions made by the Acadia Commandery in digital form.

The Commandery Technology Group (CTG) would be appreciative for any commentary, input, kudos, criticisms or thoughts on the content, usability and general layout of the Members' Area. For any such thoughts, please click on the email address indicated below and compose your note and send it to us.
    - Commandery Technology Group (CTG)

Should you have difficulties in logging in, or wish to submit comments/thoughts, or have a question on their security profile, or do not have a Username and/or Password assigned, please contact the Acadia Commandery's administrator by clicking: