Donate to the Acadia Commandery

The Order is truly a charitable Order. The Chancery Office of the Grand Priory in Canada is made up of a complement of volunteers distributed from across Canada and conducting the 'business of the Order' online and remotely to help reduce the cost of overhead. Any operating expenses incurred (domain and web hosting, zoom account, stationary, publishing costs for the Caregivers Guide, etc.) are funded by a small portion of the member's annual oblations or fees. The end result is that nearly 100% of all charitable donations received are directed to the missions of the Grand Priory in Canada and our charitable causes.

Since 1974, the members of the Acadia Commandery have raised and contributed approximately $72,540 to various charitable projects.

You can choose one of three methods of making your kind donation to Acadia Commandery. The choices available are:

  1. donate by e-transfer,
  2. donate online using our Canada Helps online account presented just below (this will generate an immediate tax receipt via email),
  3. donate by cheque or money order, which you would post to the Order (a tax receipt would follow in the mail, instructions at the bottom of this page).

1. Donate by e-transfer

You can transmit your kind donation via e-transfer to the email address: . Ensure to include in that email, your full name, address and phone and indicate that your donation should be directed to the Acadia Commandery in general or to a specific initiative or project within the Commandery and that a tax receipt is requested.

2. Donate online via

The Order employs an online donation service Canada Helps which provides a secure online interface allowing individuals to donate to Acadia Commandery online and which generates an official tax receipt for the donation immediately which is immediately transmitted electronically via email back to you. The convenience of this approach provides an effective, simple and efficient method of donating.

3. Donate by cheque or money order by Canada Post

You can send your donation in the form of a cheque or money order made out to Order of Saint Lazarus, along with any additional instructions to direct the funds to the Acadia Commandery or towards a specific initiative or project within the Commandery and send to the postal address below. If instructions are to be provided, please submit the instructions in typed format on a separate page or pages, and include with your cheque. This will ensure that the Order fully understands the instructions provided. The processing time for donations made by cheque or money order will be approximately 2-3 weeks. Shortly after that, your tax receipt will be generated and mailed out to you.

Postal Address:
The Military and Hospitaller Order of Saint Lazarus of Jerusalem
PO Box 187
Schomberg, Ontario L0G 1T0